mindfulness coaching for parents 

8 week virtual Coaching sessions


Mindfulness is one of the ways parents can reduce the stress of parenting and create calmer households. The calmer our homes, the better everyone can manage and enjoy day to day living.


Availability is limited–book now

Create a mindfulness lifestyle that allows you to feel more connected, balanced and happier.



In 2019, I launched Whimsical Yogis .  A pop up yoga studio teaching mindfulness practices to young children.  The years to follow I taught mindfulness to children in schools and the community, as well as educators and parents. 

I have found that when the adults that care for children have a consistent mindfulness practice they are more regulated, balanced and responsive. From this space they are able to share the gift of mindfulness with children and the benefits are a ripple effect.

Because of this I knew that I wanted to work with parents and children one on one giving them the tools they need to create a mindful lifestyle. Thus, the Mindfulness Coaching for Parents.

What can you expect?

Private Yoga and mindfulness sessions

You will get 8 private yoga and mindfulness sessions individualized for your needs.

Weekly Coaching

Learn basic practices for reducing stress, regulating your own nervous system and get support creating a self-care routine.

The M.a.G.I.C.A.L Lifestyle Process

This is a process based on 7 life values. When these principles are honored you can live life feeling more connected, balanced and happier.

Network Resources

Access to resource lists such as OT, PT, Speech, access to book/activity recommendations 

By  cultivating a M.A.G.I.C.A.L value system,  you can live life feeling connected, balanced and happier. 



Being aware of the present moment. Awareness of internal and external environment.


A- Awareness

   The act of being conscious and connected to our bodies physically and emotionally. Awareness of self helps us  ourselves and from there we can better understand others.



A gratitude practice increases self esteem, reduces frustration and aggression. Being grateful for what we have also increases empathy and builds better relationships.


I- Intention

Setting intentions asks why we want to achieve a certain goal and how we want to feel when we have accomplished it. This can help with focus, , build confidence, and celebrate  achievements along the way.



C- Connection

Building positive connections with others through active listening , seeing value in others, kindness, and empathy.


A- Affirmation

Positive self talk boosts self esteem,  helps to combat negative thoughts and feelings, and develops a growth mindset.



L- (Self)-Love

Accepting yourself fully, nurturing your own happiness, growth and well being.


  During each coaching session we will dive deeper into each M.A.G.I.C.A.L value and apply it to your daily life.
Each session includes a yoga/mindfulness session and one on one time with me, where you will learn mindfulness practices that can be shared with the whole family.

We will also work through any blocks that may be holding you back from developing a mindfulness practice for your family.


Your virtual session will gift you with...

LEARNING MINDFULNESS Practices that will help you to be more present

PRivate Yoga sessions.

 Hands on Practice with Teaching mindfulness practices to your children

Accountability in creating a mindfulness Routine

Confidence in sharing mindfulness practices with the whole family

Program Benefits 


Yoga and mindfulness sessions customized for each individual, based upon needs, wants and desires. 


During each coaching session you will learn mindfulness practices and build your confidence in sharing these practices with your children.


We will review your family routine, talk through daily challenges and I will show you how and when to implement specific mindfulness practices to help with specific challenges



Welcome Gift

You will be sent a basket of mindfulness tools that we will use in our sessions together


My Favorite Things 

At the end of the coaching program, you will be sent a few of my favorite mindfulness tools for families 



Each session will be recorded and sent to your email.

Yoga and mindfulness coaching may be for you if…


You want to develop a more meaningful connection with  your child


You want to incorporate more mindfulness into your daily life


Your want to show up more present and grounded.


You want to be more responsive versus reactive 

By participating in/reading my coaching service/website/blog/email series, you acknowledge that I am not a licensed psychologist or health care professional and my services do not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals. Coaching is in no way to be construed or substituted as psychological counseling or any other type of therapy or medical advice. I will at all times exercise my best professional efforts, skills and care. However, I cannot guarantee the outcome of coaching efforts and/or recommendations on my website/blog/email series and my comments about the outcome are expressions of opinion only. I cannot make any guarantees other than to deliver the coaching services purchased as described.